
Masanobu Fukuoka Natural Farm‐Questionnaire on Amanatsu Petillant Naturel

How did you know get information about "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel"?(multiple choice answers)
If you choose "Other" on Q.3, how did you get information about "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel"?
Reason of purchase
Taste impressions
Please tell us the reason of Question 6.
Have you ever tried natural wine before?
Was "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel" tasted as you imagined?
If you choose "No" on Q.9, how was it different from your image?
Were information about "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel" provided enough in advance?
If you choose "No" on Q.11, what kind of information do you need?
If you choose "No" on Q.11, Please tell us your opinions.
Do you want to drink "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel" again?
Would you recommend "Amanatsu Petillant Naturel" to someone?
Please tell us your impressions and opinions freely.