- 日々のお知らせ
開催日時 2020年3月28日(土)
午前の部 10:30~(定員20名)
午後の部 13:30~(定員20名)
雨天時 無想庵もしくは集荷場にて
参加料金 無料
お申し込みはこちらから https://f-masanobu.jp/event/
We have begun accepting applications for “Open Mountain.”
“Masanobu no Yama” is where the late Mr. Masanobu Fukuoka had researched and practiced natural farming for 60 years.
This event allows participants to explore this mountain.
On the day of the event, Mr. Hiroki Fukuoka, the third-generation owner of the farm, will show you around the mountain and hold a sampling session at Musoan for processed food products and citrus fruits that are available for purchase.
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2020
Morning program: 10:30~ (capacity: 20 people)
Afternoon program: 13:30~ (capacity: 20 people)
In case of rain: At the Musouan or at the cargo pickup point
Participation fee: free
Submit your application here https://f-masanobu.jp/en/event/
The application deadline is February 24th, 2020 (Monday).
※Applications will close once the maximum number of participants has been reached for both the morning and afternoon sessions.
In addition, please note that this event does not include touring farms that are ordinarily engaged in agricultural work.